How this Hall was decorated from beginning to finish...see photos

This event took place in Victoria island lagos, the job as usual was challenging but fun. I will like to show you the photos of how we transformed the hall into the glamour that you will see below;

Here (photo above) we were trying to get the gate positioned in-between the woods and the reason being that it will help us achieve the design we have in mind for a unique background .
(relax you'll see what I mean below).

 Still on the photo above, on the floor  you will see the round dance floor with poles on it, that will be used to construct a gazebo dance floor decorated beautifully with flowers
This is what the end looks like;

Look properly, you will see the gate, not as ordinary gate anymore, but designed with  flowers.  
Still on the stage, we  Placed the couple's chair and table, the flower decoration by the sides of the chair, floral chandelier, the light behind the backdrop etc

Also see the photo below; The dance floor is ready! you see the poles has been fixed and flowers added to it, Now you see how beautiful it turned out?

The young man standing, is working on  the walkway pillars and when he is done, we will have flowers placed on them, and that will make it look spectacular. See the photo below;

This is the hall, we just finished with the table and  chair covers, placed the flowers on them (beautiful arrangement) Below is how it turned out, with the sash on the chairs.

The VIP table 
See the way we are placing the glass on the table

Above, we are done with placing the glasses. The table is almost ready. See the beautiful transformation below;
The light is on, the table is now what it should be, artificial tree at the edges, the LED candles well placed. Wow it's lovely 

The joy of this job is when your client is so pleased with you...not just when you get paid.
Congratulations to the newly wed.
God bless your home 
Royalqueenbrainparty for all your event
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